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Home > Salary NegotiationThis is the right way to address salary in your interview

This is the right way to address salary in your interview

This is the right way to address salary in your interview

There are different schools of thought when it comes to bringing up compensation in an interview. Some believe it isn’t right to bring up salary, some think it’s presumptuous to ask, while others see no harm at all in broaching the subject.

We believe there’s nothing wrong with it, as long as you do it tactfully. Typically, salary is only mentioned in the final interview, after you’ve spent a fair amount of time preparing for each round. But if you’re eager to land a job and don’t have the energy or time to wait until the very end, then use these tips to talk about salary.

Timing is everything

Timing is important when you first bring up the subject of compensation. Interrupting the conversation or butting in while the hiring manager is speaking is a sure shot way of getting turned down.

Instead, be patient and let the conversation flow naturally. One good way to broach the salary topic is in the context of another conversation. For example, if you’re asked about your reasons for wanting to leave your current job – you can mention salary as a factor, but don’t make it the only reason for wanting a change.

However, if there’s absolutely no context to bring it up, then wait until the very end to mention it. Be straightforward and brief when you talk about, and don’t provide an explanation or you may end up sounding defensive.

Meanwhile, here are some tips to talk about your salary history.

Watch your tone

Talking about money can be awkward—so how you phrase things is going to be key. Stay calm and control your tone throughout the process, even if you are unhappy with some of the answers provided. The last thing you want to do is hurl accusations at your interviewer and ruin your chances of landing the job.

Talk about the value you bring

Your interviewer will have no problem assessing your skills in a job interview. What he or she won’t be able to gauge is your passion for the company and your past achievements. Use numbers to show how you contributed to the growth of the business. If that’s not possible, then think of other ways to show the measurable impact you’ve had. For example, if you’re a sales executive who has received glowing testimonials from clients, feel free to show it off. If it’s possible, go one step further and offer them up as references.

And if you do end up snagging the job, use these tips to negotiate your benefits.

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